While in Florence, I had the chance to visit the storied Officina Profumo-Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella. It was one of the Middle Ages first apothecaries and the Dominican Friars started selling their rose waters as early as 1381. It’s no secret that nature provides us with tools to support and soothe our nervous system. There is so much working to deplete and pull us into disregulation which leads to symptoms such as insomnia, irritability, difficulty concentrating and more. We are experiencing it and so are our children. It takes inner attention and outer work to care for our whole selves.
My greatest wish is that we incorporate enough practices into our toolkit so that our children bring these natural solutions with them into adulthood.
I would like to invite you to a free online workshop on my top 10 essential oils and lifestyle practices to use for emotional, physical, mental and spiritual support.
Using Essential Oils As A Holistic Tool: A Workshop
Thursday, May 23rd
11 - 12:15 pm PST