“Cure yourself with the light of the sun and the rays of the moon. With the swaying of the sea and the fluttering of birds. Heal yourself with mint, with neem and eucalyptus. Sweeten your self with lavender, rosemary, and chamomile. Hug yourself with the cocoa bean and a touch of cinnamon. Put love in tea instead of sugar, and take it looking at the stars.

Get strong with bare feet on the ground. Get smarter every day by listening to your intuition. Heal yourself, with beautiful love, and always remember: you are the medicine.” - María Sabina

dōTERRA’s individual oils and kits are the staples I use in my home for emotional, physical, environmental and spiritual support. They are compact enough to travel with and play double duty for many common ailments that my family has experienced such as tummy aches, head aches, trouble sleeping, minor burns or abrasions, skin issues, tooth aches, coughs and colds and more.

How to get started:

Email me if you would like any recommendations at elizabeth@earlyrisercompanion.com

Get 25% off for a year using my link https://tinyurl.com/elizabethantonia

I offer free weekly online workshops on many different topics related to aromatherapy. When you become a customer there is no commitment but I invite you to take advantage of this free education.

Kits are the best value and let you sample a range of useful oils. My favorites are below.


Overview of two of my favorite kits

The Healthy Start Kit contains the top 10 staple oils for emotional, physical, environmental and spiritual support. With these oils as your foundation, you can start to weave the spells of magic and protection around your family. My goal is for you to have the knowledge you need to build the muscle memory around the oils so you can reach for them at any time.

Some of the benefits and uses for the dōTERRA Healthy Start Kit include:

10 5ml Bottles of CPTG Oils
-Tea Tree
-Deep Blue®
dōTERRA Breathe®
dōTERRA On Guard®

Free Pebble diffuser (Diffusers make a perfect nightlight)

25% discount on all dōTERRA for a full year

Free Gifts from Me:
-Welcome Kit and gift & ongoing support from me

The Home Essentials Kit is for those looking for simple ways to eliminate toxins in their home. These oils are highly effective for treating a wide range of physical, mental, and emotional conditions. Swapping out synthetic fragrances products such as ones that are in our laundry, bath, etc are easy starting points. This kit comes with the best essential oils to help support the whole family’s vitality and energy throughout the year.

Some of the benefits and uses for the dōTERRA Home Essentials Kit include:

10 5oz Bottles of CPTG Oils + 12 hour diffuser
-dōTERRA Balance
-dōTERRA Breathe
-Wild Orange
-dōTERRA On Guard
-Citrus Bloom
-dōTERRA Serenity
-dōTERRA Cheer
-Northern Escape

Laluz 12 hour diffuser (Diffuse your beautiful oils while your children sleep - diffusers make a perfect nightlight)

25% discount on all dōTERRA for a full year

Free Gifts from Me:
-Welcome Kit & ongoing support from me


This website is for informational purposes only and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. These products are not FDA approved. Always consult your physician for personalized professional advice.